gambrinus jazz plus - Global Cats Bistro St.Gallen 2021-04-20

gambrinus jazz plus - Global Cats

Ida Nielsen & The Funkbots

Anyone who claims that women cannot rock like their male counterparts has never heard Ida Nielsen play. The Danish electric bass player, singer and composer constantly hits her strings as if there were no tomorrow. Ida Nielsen's star in the bass sky rose when Prince invited her to join his formation NPG in 2010 and later 3rdEyeGirl. And with good reason, because the Danish girl has leased the funk, with everything you need for it: slap, fingerstyle, improvisation, sound and stage presence. But it wouldn't do justice to Ida Nielsen's musicality to reduce it only to time with 3rdEyeGirl, because she has not only been playing in many different formations for years, but is also on the road with her own project. In 2019 Ida released her third album "Time 2 Stop Worring", which is a mixture of old school funk with hip-hop, reggae and a touch of world music. And of course always with lots of bass!

Information & Reservation


Bistro St.Gallen

Normal price: CHF 40.00 per person
Member: CHF 35.00 per person

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